Creating Reward Code Campaign

Create personalized Reward Code Campaigns with tailored storefronts and custom landing pages for enhanced user engagement and redemption experiences.

Reward Code Campaign

Creating a Reward Code Campaign

Naming the Campaign

Start by giving your campaign a name. You can then choose the specific categories you wish to include or exclude.

Customizing the Storefront

Utilize the campaign to tailor the storefront for your end-users. This customization encompasses options such as country, brand, and categories. Once adjustments are made, remember to save the changes.

Customize Catalog

Customize Catalog

Adding a Custom Landing Page

Enhance personalization by incorporating a custom landing page. When recipients receive the reward code, they will first encounter this landing page before being directed to the storefront for redemption.

Editing Email Subject and Content:

Customize the email subject and content to align with your campaign goals.

Setting Up the Campaign:

Once all configurations are complete, select "Create Campaign" to launch your Reward Code Campaign.

Congratulations! You have successfully created a Reward Code Campaign.