
Note: The Webhooks are only functional for Plum Pro APIs but not with Storefront Integration, Plum Pro Dashboard & Xoxo Link Integrations

You can validate webhooks to verify payloads or check if your webhook integration is working. Test events get triggered on a transaction done in the staging environment. There are two options to test webhooks

  • Using free interceptor tools

  • On your staging environment

Using free interceptor tools

There are many free webhook testing tools available online, which can be used to test webhooks e.g. requestbin.com​

How to test webhooks

Step 1: Open requestbin.com on your web browser.

Step 2: Click the "Create a RequestB in" button to create an account.

Step 3: Enter details to create an account or Login via SSO.



Step 4: Copy the endpoint created for you.

Step 5: Continue to set up webhook

You can copy and paste the endpoint in the callback URL field in Webhook Section and Click on β€œSave Webhook”.

Ensure you are using Staging on the Xoxoday Dashboard.

Step 6: Once you enable the appropriate webhook event, you will receive the corresponding webhook payload on your requestbin.com.
