Integration Overview
Xoxoday Plum can plays nicely with all tools you already use! Learn more on how to leverage integrations to automate rewarding!
🔌 Plug-n-Play Native Integration
Plum Apps enables seamless integration with leading SaaS platforms in marketing automation, CRMs, customer engagement tools, HR software, collaboration platforms, and more. This integration streamlines workflows and enriches Plum with contextual information, providing a comprehensive perspective on your mutual growth.
List of Most Popular Integration
Here are some of the many PnP integration platform supports. Partial list 👇
Pro tip
If you don't see an integration list, just reach out to [email protected] or [email protected]
Customer Experience & Survey Tools
Marketing Automation and CRM tools
HRMS and People tools
Updated 10 months ago
What’s Next
Check out some popular Integrations