Setting up Salesforce Integration
Steps to Install Salesforce Integration
Step 1: Sign in to Salesforce using your credentials:
Step 2. Go to Apps-> AppExchange marketplace-> Search Xoxoday plum and Click on "Get it now!": This will install plum on your salesforce.
//App once published add image
There are three options for installing your app:
Install for Admins only
Install for all users
Install for Specific Users
This helps you in giving this app to required people and restricts everybody else.
Congrats, you have successfully installed the application.
Steps to Authenticate and Connect
Before you start sending any rewards your connection to Xoxoday Plum AppExchange integration has to be authenticated with your specific callout end-points URL and authentication settings, this helps Salesforce to make callouts to Xoxoday's remote system.
Step 1: In the home section: Go to Setup->Users->select users->Auth settings for external -> Named Credential.
Step 2: Under Authentication-> Select Authenticator Provider->Click Edit->Under Authentication Protocol select Auth2.0.
Step 3: Now under Authentication Provider-> Click on the search option and look for "XOXODay_AuthProvider" and then Click "Save".
Step 4: Once Saved, It will take you to connect Salesforce with Xoxoday Plum. Click "Allow". If everything looks good, then you'll be taken back to Salesforce.
Congrats, you have successfully authenticated.
Adding 1-1 Widget
Once the installation is done and you have finished the authentication, now you can access widgets by Xoxoday Plum to send your rewards.
Step 1: On the Salesforce homepage-> Select either Leads or Contacts-> Select a Lead (to whomsoever you wish to send a reward)
Step 2: From the Navbar-> Select the Setup icon->Select Edit Page. Under Components search for "Xoxoday"-> Drag and drop "Xoxodayreward" on page
Step 3: Click on "Save" and you have successfully added the Xoxoday reward widget.
Adding Refresh Widget for Automation
Once the installation is done and you have finished the authentication, now you can access widgets by Xoxoday Plum to send your rewards.
Step 1: On the Salesforce homepage
Step 2: From the Navbar-> Select the Setup icon->Select Edit Page. Under Components search for "Xoxoday"-> Drag and drop "XoxodayRefreshAutomations" on page.
Step 3: Click on "Save" and you have successfully added the XoxodayRefreshAutomation widget.
Congrats, On successfully adding both the Xoxoday Widgets.
Updated about 2 years ago