Creating Reward Link Campaign

Create engaging campaigns by offering personalized rewards through customizable Reward Links, tailored to your audience's preferences

Reward Link Campaign

Step-by-step guide to creating Reward Link Campaign:

Name Wisely

Choose a descriptive and memorable name for your campaign to easily identify it later. Consider including the campaign objective or target audience in the name.

Country and Denomination Strategy

Tailor the reward amount and country selection based on your target audience's preferences.

Voucher Selection

Carefully select vouchers that align with your audience's interests and preferences.


Pro tip

Consider offering a variety of options to cater to diverse tastes and maximize redemption rates.

Personalized Communication

Customize your email and SMS campaigns to resonate with your audience. Use personalization tokens to address recipients by name and segment your messaging based on demographics or past interactions.


Pro tip

You can customize communication at the time of sending reward links as well. Learn more here: Customize Reward Communication

Preview for Perfection

Always preview your campaign setup before finalizing it. Check for any errors or inconsistencies in the content and ensure that the campaign flows smoothly from start to finish.