Anonymous Survey Rewarding
Now you can reward survey respondents anonymously via Xoxoday plum. In a few simple clicks, you can set up a reward automation campaign in plum and then attach the reward claim page at the end of your survey to enable quick and instant rewarding of respondents. Not just that, the survey respondents can choose gift cards of their choice from Xoxoday’s extensive global catalog.
You can also restrict the number of rewards sent out based on criteria like - campaign time range, Maximum Reward count as well as repeated rewarding, etc.
Getting Started
Create Reward Automation in Plum
Step 1:Go to your plum admin account by login in via or if you are new create a plum admin account by clicking on a try for FREE.
For login go to and login with your email and password
For Signup go to and click on TRY FOR FREE
Step 2: Connect your Qualtrics Account to Xoxoday plum.
Once you land into your plum admin dashboard, you can click on the "Manage Integrations" option on the left panel, search for Qualtrics and click on connect button.
Step 3: Authentication of Qualtrics account
After clicking on the connect option, you will ask to confirm if you want to proceed with the integration post that you will have to authenticate your Qualtircs account, you just have to login into your Qualtrics account for the final connection to establish.
Step 4: Create a new Reward automation campaign for an anonymous survey.
Once the account is authenticated, you will be redirected to the Qualtrics automation page on the plum dashboard.
Click on the “Create New” button and choose Anonymous to create anonymous survey.
Select a survey for which you want the respondent to be rewarded using Select a Survey which is intended for anonymous survey responses). You will be able to see the active campaign surveys in the dropdown.
Step 5: Select the Campaign
Select a Campaign that specifies the rewards you want to send to anonyomous survey respondents.
Step 6: Trigger Setting
Auto approval: The system will automatically the reward once the trigger is met
Distribute rewards for a custom time range: You can define the time range till when you want the rewards to be sent
Max rewards count: Select the number of rewards you want to trigger through this campaign
Allow repeat rewarding: Same respondent can be rewarded multiple times for filling out the surveys again.
Manual Approval: Approval to send the rewards to respondents.
You will be shown all the respondents on the dashboard and you can manually approve them.
Step 8: Save and Launch Automation
Click 'Save and Launch' button.
Embed the Reward claim page at the end of your survey
Once you have successfully created your reward automation and recharged your wallet as well. Then you need to complete the remaining steps in Qualtrics in order to enable anonymous rewarding after survey completion.
Follow the step-by-step guide below :
Step 1: Open your recently created reward automation
Go to your recently created reward automation under integration in Plum admin. Click on the latest automation in the colored tile.
Step 2: Click on ‘ Follow next steps of Automation’ and copy the reward claim page link
Follow the screenshot below and copy the reward claim page link. This link will be embedded at the end of the survey under your Qualtrics account.
Step 3: Now go to your Qualtrics account
Log in to your Qualtrics account and find and open the survey which you have used to create anonymous reward automation in the plum admin.
Step 4: Setup the end of Survey flow
Choose the survey flow option from the left menu, click on +Add a New Element Here and choose End of Survey option.
Step 5: Add the reward claim page link
Once you click on the 'End of the survey', click on 'Customize' option. Highlight the ‘Override survey option’ and then choose the third option ‘Redirect to a URL’. Paste the reward claim page link you copied from the reward automation in Plum admin. After completing all steps press OK and Apply all changes.
Then go back and publish your survey after saving the changes.
Rewards delivered to your respondent anonymously Once any of your respondents fill in your survey and click on complete/submit, they will be automatically redirected to the reward claim page as shown below. For any respondent to claim a reward they have to enter their email ID and submit. The respondents will receive an email with the reward link from which they can redeem the voucher of their choice.
Updated almost 2 years ago